Planner Swap: Making the Transition and Personalizing Your New Organizer
Hey everyone!
Today, I'm going to share with you which planner I'm using in 2025. My choice may surprise you as it is not the same planner that I've been using for the past six years or so...
In 2025, I am going to be using Plans by Just Scribble!

Switching planners is an important decision, as these little books house so much information and keep me on track! I thought that walking you through this new-to-me planner to point out some of the reasons why I am making this switch would be helpful.
I’m using the A5 size, which I’ve put into a clear plastic cover and added some Vellum from our shop to dress it up a bit. The Vellum I chose is our Rustic Boho design. It coordinates very well with the planner cover I’m using from Moterm. I haven't completely “moved in” yet, so I don't have anything in the pockets yet, but I thought this was a nice beginning to my setup. I am going a little more neutral than usual, so I have chosen to use the Grand Canyon tabs from our shop, which further compliment the neutral designs I’m using.
As I set up my Year-At-A-Glance page, I chose to utilize our Rustic Boho Washi Tape, which matches the Vellum I’m using with the cover. I didn't want to do too much on this page, so the subtlety and simplicity of this method added just the right amount of color and interest.
For the Yearly Index Pages, I used our Journal Months-of-the-Year Scripts across the top and then more of the Rustic Boho Washi Tape to accent the bottom of these pages as well as on the 2025 Page. Again, very simple and neutral – but still lovely, don’t you think?
Next in the planner are Quarter and Monthly Tracker Pages, which I haven’t decided how I want use yet, so I haven’t done much on these pages yet, except to add just a bit more of our Rustic Boho Washi Tape to accent.
And then I started laying down my sticker Kits!
First, I used our Winter Forest Dashboard Kit for January. I have started to make my lists, but I'm not nearly finished, so I will continue filling in this page over time.
On the January monthly pages, I continued with our Winter Forest design for my Monthly Kit. This design is so perfect for January!
Flipping the page, there is a nice two-page spread that is completely blank. I'm going to use these as my brain-dump pages! I used more of our Rustic Boho Washi Tape and then a January Sticker at the top. Whatever I need to get out of my brain, I will write on these pages. This has proved to be a very helpful rhythm for me over the years and I’m glad this planner has a built-in space for me to continue doing this.
Next is my first Weekly Spread. Normally I film a “Plan with Me” video for my YouTube Channel to show how I'm using our stickers, but since I am just setting this planner up, I opted to do this off camera this time. I wanted to use my creativity which was much easier for me to do without an audience! I started with a very basic spread compared to what I usually do – but I’m sure this will evolve as I get accustomed to this new planner! Don’t worry, my “Plan with Me” videos will return as I establish my new rhythm too!
If you aren’t subscribed to my channel, I invite you to do so to find out how I decide to use my stickers on these pages!
Something I appreciate about this planner is the way everything is shuffled in together. After the Weekly Pages are the Daily Pages, which I haven't set up yet. I plan to do this as the days come, using Daily Kits that match my Weekly Kit. Our New Year's Party design was the obvious choice!
As I have been setting up my new planner, I have come up with a method that I thought you might be interested in as well. As I mentioned earlier, I am using our Monthly Tabs for each monthly spread. I decided to put a little strip of our Rustic Boho Washi Tape on the end of my Weekly Pages, so that as I flip through quickly to find a particular Weekly Spread, I am able to readily find what I’m looking for.
Using the Washi Tape is a subtle way to incorporate the function of a tab without cluttering up my pages. I think this is going to really help me since all the pages are incorporated together in this planner. I'm not used to having all my spreads together; instead, I'm accustomed to having all my “Monthlys” together, all my “Weeklys” together, and then all my Daily Pages at the end, but I'm really intrigued by having them all together. I think I will like this set-up!
I am really excited to use this planner for 2025! I always love to know how you’re planning too! Are you using Plans by Just Scribble or a different planner?