Website Update

Hi Friends,

This month's subscriber exclusive is a little different if you're accustomed to watching the box plan with me video. We've just been hard at work on rolling some new things out to our website, and we wanted to give you an advance sneak peak at what is coming!

Some of the changes are actually already visible (feel free to poke around some if you'd like!). Many of you know that the bulk of our product line-up has only been available on Etsy up till this point, but that is changing! While we will continue our presence on Etsy, we've been wanting to provide a better browsing experience for you guys (and we're almost there!!). We just have too many products to conveniently organize in the 20 categories that Etsy provides. For comparison, we now have our full product line-up here on the website, and so far we have around 50 different collections!

MLP Rewards

We're excited to share that we will be soon be starting a rewards program for purchases on our website! There's no confusing point system, just 5% cash back as a store credit on your purchases. The store credit can be redeemed similar to a gift card, and it can be combined with discounts or sales.

Wishlist & Save for Later

We are in the process of setting a up a Wishlist and save for later feature. It is currently live, and you can play with it, but we're still fine tuning and working with the developer to get it working the way we want.

Advanced Search 

We've found that the search feature on the website is much more intuitive than on Etsy, making it easier to quickly find what you're looking for if you prefer searching over browsing collections. For example, try searching the last 3 digits of one of your favorite kit numbers and see what turns up. :)

Please feel free to share any feedback with us that you may have. We are super excited to have this all live soon!
